Here is just a sample of the opportunities that await you.


EB-1A Extraordinary Ability Visa

This immigrant visa is available to individuals who possess proven extraordinary abilities in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics through sustained national or international acclaim. Any relevant achievements in these fields must be documented. The upsides are that the petitioner is not required to show proof of ready employment in the U.S. and no proof of labor certification is needed; however the petitioner must demonstrate that he/she will aim to continue their work in the same field in the U.S. 

Applicants must satisfy at least 3 of the 10 requirements listed per USCIS. Among some of the requirements are: receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence, the existence of published material about you in professional or major trade publications or other major media, and evidence that you command a high salary or other significantly high remuneration in relation to others in the field.

Upon approval of your petition by USCIS and a successful interview at your respective U.S. Consulate, your green card will be mailed to you upon entry with your EB-1A visa.



EB-1C Multinational Manager or Executive Visa

This immigrant visa is available to foreign executives or managers who are employed by a foreign company with an existing U.S. affiliate of some kind (subsidiary or parent company). The executive or manager must have been working for this foreign company for at least 1 year and must be seeking to enter the U.S. to continue working for the same company or organization. 

The petitioning employer must be a U.S. employer and must have been doing business for at least one year and must have an affiliate-relationship with the company that employed the applicant abroad.

Upon approval of your petition by USCIS and a successful interview at your respective U.S. Consulate, your green card will be mailed to you upon entry with your EB-1C visa.



EB-2 National Interest Waiver

Although this category of visa is a second-preference based visa, this immigrant visa is available to individuals who can prove their exceptional ability and that their permanent employment in the U.S. would greatly benefit the country. Fortunately, this visa advocates for a waiver to the requirement that the applicant obtain a labor certification (a separate process with the Department of Labor) based on the applicant's experience and achievements. Furthermore, no employer is required to sponsor or petition for the applicant.

An applicant must satisfy at least three of the criteria listed, among them: an academic record showing a degree, diploma from a college/university relating to your area of exceptional ability, letters documenting at least 10 years of full-time experience in your occupation, evidence that you commanded a salary demonstrative of your exceptional ability, recognition of your achievements and/or contributions to your industry or field.